PCC Technology Project Request

The IT Portfolio Management Office (IT PMO) provides an intake process for any project that might involve new technology or need to integrate with existing technology.  All projects go through a structured request process and are reviewed/approved every 4 weeks at the IT Intake and Prioritization Committee (IP2C) meeting. New project requesters are required to attend the IP2C meeting to give a brief overview of your project request and answer any questions the committee might have during the meeting. If you can not make it, please delegate someone from your department to attend. Otherwise, the request will be postponed to the next IP2C meeting for review and approval. 

Project Definition:  a project is a series of structured tasks, activities, and deliverables carefully executed to achieve a desired outcome within a defined timeline—a temporary endeavor.

According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), the term project refers to ” a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, services or result with a definite beginning and end”.  Depending on its complexity, it can be managed by a single person or hundreds.

To begin the project request process

For first time project requests,

  • Please contact itpmo@pcc.edu or book a project appointment here. An IT PMO Representative will meet with you to introduce you to the project request tool (Teamdynamix), assist you in authenticating to the tool, review the project intake process,  and assist you with filling out the project request form for the first time. Note: The IT PMO often uses Google Meet for meetings and will insert a link in the calendar appointment event. If you need assistance with using Google Meet, please call the PCC Service Desk, x4400.

For experienced requestors, please submit your project request using the project request button on this page. The IT PMO will review your request and send you an invite to the next IT Project Intake and Prioritization Committee Meeting.

Before submitting a project request, review the following

  • A project request title should be clear to anyone at the college and avoid using acronyms or catch phrases.

    • ex.  Design a process and install a system for the collection of departmental documentation.

  • A project request contains a problem statement

    • ex.  The problem we are trying to solve is ....

  • A project request has well defined measurable outcomes

    • ex.  This project is complete when this specific objective has been completed to accomplish solving this particular part of the problem we are trying to solve.

  • A project request has identified budget and has been approved by a staff member with budget authority.

  • A project request has a desired completion date

    • ex.  The project will start on January 1st, 2100 and has a target completion date of December 31st, 2100.

    • The final schedule of the project will be agreed upon later by all the stakeholders after the project is reviewed and approved by the Intake and Prioritization Committee.

  • A project request is typically for a new technology service or a change to a technology service

    • If your request is to use an existing technology service with no customization, ex. give me access to create spaces pages, then please email servicedesk@pcc.edu or call x4400 to get assistance.

  • A project request involves multiple individuals

    • Typically a technology project involves YOU (the requester), stakeholders, and individuals from multiple IT Departments (ex.  network admin to provide network access, server admin to setup a server, application analyst to review application configuration, identity management analyst to provide login access, banner analyst to provide data support, information security analyst to review technology, and much much more......)

    • Identify the stakeholders in the stakeholder section.

    • If a stakeholder is not listed, then add them to your stakeholder entry or email itpmo@pcc.edu and the IT PMO will work on getting these individuals access to view the request

After project request submission

Once your project request has been submitted, the request will be reviewed by the IT Management team, a cabinet sponsor, and the IT Project Intake and Prioritization committee.  As the requestor you will be invited to give a brief two minute overview of your project request at the next committee meeting. Once the request is approved and prioritized by the committee, the project will be staffed with an IT Project Manager to work with you on the planning, scheduling and implementation of your request.  This project work will be tracked using Teamdynamix. More information on the IT PMO and it's processes can be found in the IT PMO Spaces page.